My Clutter Solutions

We calm the chaos.


As a young child I remember my mother and her siblings working night and day to “clean out” after my grandmother passed. My grandfather asked that they make the 13 room home with attic and basement a manageable living space for him. He wanted to be able to vacuum and dust without clutter in the way and use the drawers and closets without confusion and sadness around every corner. The ultimate goal was for him to maintain the home without outside help. He allowed the siblings to take their most beloved items to their own homes to keep the cherished memories in the family. I remember searching purses and pockets for money and trinkets before they were donated to the church rummage sale. And I remember the line of trash bags and boxes that spanned across 3 houses on the street. This was a huge stress on the family, requiring everyone to help.

As an only child the importance of preparing my parents home for their golden years is extremely important. We are currently helping with that process so they too might be able to stay in the home they know and love for many years to come.

As a college student I knew I wanted to help others in some way. I studied Family and Child Development and received a Human Services degree from Virginia Tech. After school I worked in childcare. Then billed insurance for Home Health supplies. I learned about the stress of raising young children and the multiple rolls caregivers play.

Sometimes in life we need a helping hand. A smiling face. Someone to care for us. A little motivation. We all need a place to feel safe from our chaotic lives. A beautiful space where we can breath freely after a long day. Let us help you regain your space and turn Chaos into Calm.


My mother has lived much of her life by the motto, “A place for everything and everything in its place.” Unfortunately, she has often been at odds with my father and all of his clutter. He grew up poor with very few possessions. I remember him saving nearly everything, even burnt-out light bulbs and worn out wiper blades, for some future use, whatever they might have been. We could not get into his office for piles and piles of papers and textbooks. Now elderly and disabled, my parents are unable to move to a home where they could receive much-needed assistance managing their health concerns. They are trapped by all clutter my father has collected the past 47 years.

Seeing what has become of my parents, I have learned to periodically take stock of our possessions and pass onto others what I no longer have any use for. Luckily, my wife feels similarly, and she and I are trying to teach to our children how to live simply, without becoming burdened with too much “stuff.”

After graduating from Virginia Tech with a BS in Psychology, I have worked in various fields trying to help others live more fulfilling lives. I have helped older adults with physical therapy, taught job skills to people with employment barriers, and helped people with disabilities learn how to manage their own homes. To live a good life, sometimes you need a helping hand.


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